
Easter!  He is risen!  Churches may be empty, but we know that the grave is empty too!  The way we gather and celebrate this year may be a little different, but we know that Easter remains the same forever.  Here is some important information about how Light the Way will celebrate Easter this year! 
Easter Drive Through:  We suggest that you to dress up this Easter just as you normally would do and take a drive coming through the church parking lot from 9-9:10 am.  Tune the radio to your favorite Christian station such as 88.1 FM or 104.1 FM.  As you slowly drive through from either direction, we invite you to blow kisses, share smiles, waves, air hugs, and honks.  We encourage you to drive several loops to help give a sense of being together in a small way.  Pastor Dale and Pastor Jerry will be giving a blessing to everyone and will also have sealed communion sets available for those who may need them for our online Easter worship.  The Easter bunny will be there too, giving a wave and a special treat.  As you leave the church parking lot, we ask you to drive by a friend’s home or several and as you do, say a prayer over them and their household. 
Easter Worship:  When you return back to your home, please join us for worship on Facebook live at 10 a.m. If you are unable to access our live stream, we ask you to read Matthew 28 and spend time in prayer.  Our recorded service will be available on our website after worship is completed.  He is risen!  Alleluia!

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